Abraham has been appointed as the Acting Archbishop of Northern Bhar.

Dear my brothers and sisters in Christ,

Greeting to you all in the Holy name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I would like to inform you all the I have been appointed as an Acting Archbishop of Northern Bhar El Ghazal Internal Province for 9 months beginning from May 10, 2024 to February 10, 2025.

I am now a leader of 9 Dioceses. This is a huge responsibility, therefore, I want you to pray for my leadership to be a servant leadership that will transform the Churches and God’s people and work together with Bishops, clergy and laity to furthering the Kingdom of God through evangelism and Mission,  reconciliation and peace in the nation of South Sudan.

Thank you all very much for your continued support and prayers. I am very grateful!
Those photos are for my welcoming in one of our Diocese. May our loving God continue blessing you all and the ministry of CCCM more abundantly.

Yours in Christ’s service,
Bishop Abraham Nhial
South Sudan


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